Bruce Roberts-Goodson




BOAT STUDY PLANS ... Delivered by DOWNLOAD to your computer plus we will send you a USB Memory stick with many extra drawings and photos. The study plans have lists of materials & equipment etc & these will be useful in costing out the complete boat.

Each STUDY PLAN contains ALL the construction drawings for each material - STEEL, ALUMINUM, FIBERGLASS & WOOD EPOXY as applicable to the particular boat plan - with up to 25 sheets per plan!  Lists of materials - Technical information - Numerous construction drawings are all included.

You can view & print the drawings in full or in sections. BUILDING PHOTOS are included in the study plan package. PLUS you receive a FREE ( VALUE £69.00 )


COMPLETE BOAT PLANS & PATTERNS or CUTTING FILES ... Delivered by DOWNLOAD to your computer within 12 hours of you placing your order.  The plans have all the information you need to build, commission, launch and conduct sea trials of your own boat. Each plan contains all the construction drawings for STEEL, ALUMINUM, FIBERGLASS & WOOD EPOXY construction, plus bonus drawings covering electrical, plumbing and engineering.


Plus you will receive a DETAIL FOLIO showing how to make many of your own boat fittings, lists of materials and equipment, all technical information, numerous construction drawings and written building instructions are all included.



When you are ready to order the complete plans and patterns or cutting files  EMAIL BRUCE for a ONE-OFF SPECIAL OFFER.





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Cat 36-37 £69 - €79 - $89 £995 - €1,195 - $1,295 FIBERGLASS Power Cat plans & Patterns
Cat 395 £69 - €79 - $89 £995 - €1,195 - $1,295 FIBERGLASS Power Cat plans & Patterns
Cat 46-470 £69 - €79 - $89 £995 - €1,195 - $1,295 FIBERGLASS Power Cat plans & Patterns
Cat 400 £69 - €79 - $89 £995 - €1,195 - $1,295 Aluminum Power Cat plans & CUTTING FILES.
Cat 1300 £69 - €79 - $89 £995 - €1,195 - $1,295 Aluminum Power Cat plans & Patterns
Cat 1300 £69 - €79 - $89 £995 - €1,195 - $1,295 Aluminum Power Cat plans & CUTTING FILES.
Cat 1300 £69 - €79 - $89 £995 - €1,195 - $1,295 FIBERGLASS Power Cat plans & Patterns
Cat 1500 £69 - €79 - $89 £995 - €1,195 - us$1,295 Aluminum Power Cat plans & & Patterns
Cat 1500 £69 - €79 - $89 £2,585 - €2,995 - $3,585 Aluminum Power Cat plans and CUTTING FILES.
Cat 1500 £69 - €79 - $89 £2,585 - €2,995 - $3,585 FIBERGLASS Power Cat plans & Patterns
Cat 1900 £99 - €114 -$139 £1,995 - €2,295 - $2,795 Aluminum Power Cat plans and CUTTING FILES.
Cat 2400 £99 - €114 -$139 £2,585 - €2,995 - $3,585 Aluminum Power Cat plans and CUTTING FILES.
Cat MS 65 £99 - €114 -$139 £1,395 - €1,595 - $1,965 Aluminum Power Cat plans & & Patterns
Cat MS 65 £99 - €114 -$139 £1,395 - €1,595 - $1,965 STEEL Power Cat plans & Patterns
Cat MS 65 £99 - €114 -$139 £1,395 - €1,595 - $1,965 Aluminum Power Cat plans &  CUTTING FILES.
Cat MS 65 £99 - €114 -$139 £1,395 - €1,595 - $1,965 STEEL Power Cat plans &  CUTTING FILES.
Cat 675 £99 - €114 -$139 £2,585 - €2,995 - $3,585 Aluminum Power Cat plans & CUTTING FILES.
Cat 675 £99 - €114 -$139 £2,585 - €2,995 - $3,585 FIBERGLASS Power Cat plans & Patterns
PCF 40 £69 - €79 -$89 £995 - €1,195 - $1,295 Steel or Aluminum Plans & CUTTING FILES Trawler
PCF 40 £69 - €79 -$89 £995 - €1,195 - $1,295 Fiberglass Plans & Mold patterns Sailing Trawler
Traveler 45 £69 - €79 -$89 £995 - €1,195 - $1,295 Steel or Aluminum Plans & CUTTING FILES Trawler
Roberts 15 £69 - €79 -$89 £260 - €295 - $365 Aluminum or Wood Epoxy plans & Patterns
Roberts 19 £69 - €79 -$89 £695 - €795 - $995 Wood Epoxy plans and PATTERNS
Roberts 25 £69 - €79 -$89 £695 - €795 - $995 FIBERGLASS or Wood Epoxy plans & Patterns
Roberts 246 £69 - €79 -$89 £695 - €795 - $995 FIBERGLASS or Wood Epoxy plans & Patterns
Tom Thumb 26 £69 - €79 -$89 £695 - €795 - $995 Steel or Aluminum plans and PATTERNS
Tom Thumb 28 £69 - €79 -$89 £795 - €895 - $1,095 Steel or Aluminum plans and PATTERNS
Tom Thumb 305 £69 - €79 -$89 £795 - €895 - $1,095 Steel or Aluminum plans and PATTERNS
Tom Thumb 330 £69 - €79 -$89 £795 - €895 - $1,095 Steel or Aluminum plans and PATTERNS
Roberts 28 £69 - €79 -$89 £795 - €895 - $1,095 Steel or Aluminum plans and CUTTING FILES
Roberts 310 £69 - €79 -$89 £795 - €895 - $1,095 Steel, Aluminum, Fiberglass, Wood Epoxy plans & Patterns
Roberts 345 £69 - €79 -$89 £795 - €895 - $1,095 Steel, Aluminum, Fiberglass, Wood Epoxy plans & Patterns
Roberts 35 £69 - €79 -$89 £795 - €895 - $1,095 Steel, Aluminum, Fiberglass plans & Patterns
Roberts 36 £69 - €79 -$89 £795 - €895 - $1,095 Steel, Plans & Patterns
Roberts 370 £69 - €79 -$89 £995 - €1,095 - $1,295 Steel, Aluminum, Fiberglass, Wood Epoxy plans & Patterns
Roberts 39 £69 - €79 -$89 £995 - €1,095 - $1,295 Steel, Aluminum plans and PATTERNS
Roberts 392 £69 - €79 -$89 £995 - €1,095 - $1,295 Steel, Aluminum, Fiberglass plans & Patterns
Roberts 410 £69 - €79 -$89 £995 - €1,095 - $1,295 Steel, Aluminum plans and PATTERNS
Roberts 43 £69 - €79 -$89 £995 - €1,095 - $1,295 Steel, Aluminum, Fiberglass plans & Patterns
Roberts 44 £69 - €79 -$89 £995 - €1,095 - $1,295 Fiberglass plans& Patterns
Roberts 432 £69 - €79 -$89 £995 - €1,095 - $1,295 Steel, Aluminum, Fiberglass plans and PATTERNS
Roberts 434 £69 - €79 -$89 £995 - €1,095 - $1,295 Steel, Aluminum, Fiberglass, Wood Epoxy plans & Patterns
New York 46 £69 - €79 -$89 £995 - €1,095 - $1,295 Steel, Aluminum, Fiberglass plans and PATTERNS
Roberts 532 £69 - €79 -$89 £1,195 - €1,395 - $1,695 & PatternsSteel, Aluminum, Fiberglass plans & Patterns
Voyager 543 £69 - €79 -$89 £1,195 - €1,395 - $1,695 Wood Epoxy plans and PATTERNS
New York 55 £69 - €79 -$89 £1,195 - €1,395 - $1,695 Steel, Aluminum, Fiberglass plans & Patterns
Roberts 58 £69 - €79 -$89 £1,195 - €1,395 - $1,695 Steel, Aluminum, Fiberglass plans & Patterns
New York 600 £69 - €79 -$89 £1,195 - €1,395 - $1,695 Steel or Aluminum plans and PATTERNS
New York 65 £69 - €79 -$89 £1,195 - €1,395 - $1,695 Steel, Aluminum, Fiberglass plans & Patterns
Trader 65 £69 - €79 -$89 £1,195 - €1,395 - $1,695 Steel or Aluminum Plans &  PATTERNS Trawler
Voyager DS 655 £69 - €79 -$89 £1,195 - €1,395 - $1,695 Steel or Aluminum Plans & CUTTING FILES
Voyager 388 £69 - €79 -$89 £995 - €1,095 - $1,295 Steel or Aluminum Plans & CUTTING FILES
Voyager 432 £69 - €79 -$89 £1,195 - €1,395 - $1,695 Steel or Aluminum Plans & CUTTING FILES
Voyager DS 440 £69 - €79 -$89 £1,195 - €1,395 - $1,695 Steel or Aluminum Plans & CUTTING FILES
Voyager 450 £69 - €79 -$89 £1,195 - €1,395 - $1,695 Steel or Aluminum Plans & CUTTING FILES
Voyager 495 £69 - €79 -$89 £1,395 - €1,595 - $1,995 Steel or Aluminum Plans & CUTTING FILES
Voyager 542 £69 - €79 -$89 £1,595 - €1,795 - $2,295 Steel or Aluminum Plans & CUTTING FILES
Voyager DS 544 £69 - €79 -$89 £1,595 - €1,795 - $2,295 Steel or Aluminum Plans & CUTTING FILES
Voyager 600 £69 - €79 -$89 £1,595 - €1,795 - $2,295 Wood Epoxy plans and PATTERNS
Voyager 655 £69 - €79 -$89 £1,595 - €1,795 - $2,295 Wood Epoxy plans and PATTERNS
Voyager 765 £69 - €79 -$89 £2,585 - €2,995 - $3,585 Wood Epoxy plans and PATTERNS



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