SPRAY 36 Pilot House version.
Step by step
construction photographs of this boat
are included in S36 STUDY PLAN PACKAGE.

Delivered by DOWNLOAD to your computer.
The study plans have lists of
materials & equipment etc & these will be useful in
costing out the complete boat.
Each STUDY PLAN contains ALL the construction
drawings for each material - STEEL, ALUMINUM, FIBERGLASS & WOOD EPOXY as applicable to the particular boat plan - with up to 25 sheets per plan!
of materials - Technical information - Numerous
construction drawings are all included. You
can view & print the drawings in full or in sections.
BUILDING PHOTOS are included in the study plan package.
PLUS you receive a FREE
( VALUE £69.00 )
$85. 00
- €79.00
To order STUDY PLANS go to
click on
SPRAY 36 -
Steel, Aluminum, Fiberglass or Wood Epoxy
- Gaff rig - Bermudian rig - Junk rig
Over 500 of this design are currently in service
worldwide. One of the reasons for the popularity of this Spray is due to the spacious
interior - much more interior living area than other boats of the same length, and you can
choose from several deck and accommodation layouts - a center cockpit, trunk cabin, aft
cockpit pilot house or a poop stern center cockpit with pilot house.
You can choose to build this design in multi chine
steel, aluminum or wood epoxy or as a round bilge FIBREGLASS version (Airex or C-Flex).
Sail boat plans are available to rig this design as a Bermudan or Gaff rigged Cutter or as a
As there are SEVERAL THOUSAND Bruce
Roberts’ SPRAY SAILBOATS in service world-wide plus another 1,000 SPRAYS
currently being built from our boat plans and patterns. We have been willing to listen
to YOUR ideas about this wonderful boat and several boat plan layouts have
been drawn with many features that are interchangeable between the various versions.
The Centennial Sprays are designed for
building in Round bilge
steel or Wood/Epoxy, and can be rigged with a variety of sail
boat plans including a gaff schooner, Bmu cutter, junk rig etc. Custom sail boat plans and
additional accommodation layouts may be drawn to suit your requirements for
a reasonable fee.
Many of these Sprays have completed complete
circumnavigations some more than once &
usually with crews consisting only of two persons !
Check out our
L.O.A. |
12.10 m |
7" |
L.O.D. |
11.20 m |
36' 10" |
L.W.L. |
9.20 m |
0" |
3.66 m |
0" |
1.22 m |
0" |
11,053 kg |
24,400 lb |
3,805 kg |
8,400 lb |
20 - 33 hp |
AUX PWR 20 - 33 hp |
![s36-01[1].jpg (25148 bytes)](../images/s36-01[1].jpg) |
Steel, Aluminum, Fiberglass or Wood Epoxy
- Bermudian cutter shown. Bermudian Ketch,
Junk Schooner rig etc. are also included with the plans & study boat plans.
"Did you know that the first
Brazilian sailor to complete the globe circumnavigation on solitaire did it
in a Bruce Roberts 36 Sailboat ? His name is Aleixo Belov in 1982 . The
boat was the "Tres
Marias" built for himself. And
he completed two more
laps to the world
with the same boat."
Luiz Carlos
S. Silva Campinas(SP) - Brasil
![s36-02[1].gif (13665 bytes)](../images/s36-02[1].gif)
![s36-03[1].gif (13375 bytes)](../images/s36-03[1].gif)
Steel, Aluminum, Fiberglass or Wood Epoxy
One of the several accommodation boat plans that can
be used in the Spray 36 - You can choose and modify the accommodation to suit
your own requirements. |
Steel, Aluminum, Fiberglass or Wood Epoxy
Here are some pictures of
our Spray 36 "Taranea Spray".
Taranea Spray was built by me, Hans Jurgen Hoernicke in Västerås, Sweden.
SPRAY 36 -
Hello, I built a fiberglass 36 Spray and launched in
'92. What a great boat she has Been
! I originally bought a running rigging STEEL OR ALUMINUM PLANS & CUTTING FILES from you.
Thanks, Chris Beidler, Florida, USA |
Steel, Aluminum, Fiberglass or Wood Epoxy We sailed her for the first time in 1998 and all I
can say is that Spray 36 was the right choice. Last summer we travelled from Stockholm,
Sweden to Hamburg, Germany.
Hans Jurgen Hoernicke.
http://www.spray-charter.com/ |
Steel, Aluminum, Fiberglass or Wood Epoxy
Her balance is fantastic, we are very satisfied."
Regards, Hans Jurgen Hoernicke.
http://www.spray-charter.com/ |
![s36-04[1].gif (13105 bytes)](../images/s36-04[1].gif)

SPRAY 36 B (Pilot House)
Steel, Aluminum, Fiberglass or Wood Epoxy
Here see what happens when you turn one of our drawings into reality ...
this fine example of the Spray 36 built by Adam and Barbara Szczurowski
proves the point.
Bruce, Thank you for your quick reply. I've been
having some paint problems and this information will be of great help!!
I built " Tequila Mockingbird " in my backyard in
Denver, Colorado USA. over a 10 year period. We trucked the boat to San
Carlos, Mexico in 2007 and launched her. We've been living aboard full time
since then. I chose the pilothouse version and have been very happy with the
choice. We've been through 2 hurricanes and have never been worried about
the boat handling any conditions we've encountered.
I've attached a couple of pictures, the first was
taken as Tequila Mockingbird being craned out of the back yard , the start
of it's trip to Mexico. The other picture was taken in Agua Verde which is
on the Baja Penisula here in Mexico.
Thanks again for the zinc info' Ed
Kennedy |
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SPRAY 36 B (Pilot House)
Steel, Aluminum, Fiberglass or Wood Epoxy
Here we see two of the several accommodation
boat plans that can be used in the Spray 36 - You can choose and modify the
accommodation to suit your own requirements.
We now have an excellent set of
construction photos plus many photos of completed Sprays that are available
![s36-08[1].gif (25418 bytes)](../images/s36-08[1].gif)
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SPRAY 36 C (Poop Stern)
Steel, Aluminum, Fiberglass or Wood EpoxyThis is one of the most popular versions of
this cruising sailboat.
Hello Bruce, I promised you some images of
the boat in its' current state. The exterior is coated with light grey
epoxy primer, on top of that below the water line is pitch-epoxy. The
10mm thick toughened glass windows have all been installed along with the
Vetus vents. Two of these will be covered with the Vetus dorade box and
have a nice stainless steel cowl ventilator.
I have them but I'm afraid to
mount them till it's in the water because of possible theft. You can see
from the images that the boatyard is a pretty rough place along the Thames.
Check out my 316 s.s. fabriCATAMARANed bowsprit! I have more to add to it to
accommodate the anchor rollers.
Thanks for getting Edgar in
Holland to help me with the rudder hydraulic cylinder sizing, he was very
efficient and logical. The 48hp turbo-diesel Bukh is mounted and aligned
along with the prop shaft. All four stainless steel tanks have been
installed, diesel, water, black and grey water. I've had the majority of
the interior framework welded in, including all five door frames.
I am
installing a 5kw Mastervolt generator right behind the pilot station. You
can't beat these Dutch when it comes to making things for boats! I have
configured both a forward and a stern head along with passage way doors to
pass through the engineroom back to the stern berth. I'll send you some
shots so you can see what that looks like. Thanks for all you help and
advice. Kind Regards, Dave
OTHERS for each material - STEEL, ALUMINUM, FIBERGLASS & WOOD EPOXY as applicable to the particular boat plan - with up THE STUDY boat plans ON DOWNLOAD
Here we see just one of the several
accommodation boat plans that can be used in the Spray 36 - You can choose and
modify the accommodation to suit your own requirements. |
![s36-13[1].gif (4216 bytes)](../images/s36-13[1].gif) ![s36-12[1].gif (4227 bytes)](../images/s36-12[1].gif) |
SPRAY 36 C (Poop Stern)
Steel, Aluminum, Fiberglass or Wood Epoxy
Bow and stern view of the Spray 36 C |
Steel, Aluminum, Fiberglass or Wood
Owned by Andy and Meredyth Haris This is what it is all about.
at anchor off one of the many Balearic Islands. |

Spray 36
"Diane" Built in Australia |

![S36-16[1].jpg (23475 bytes)](../images/S36-16[1].jpg)
Spray 36
![s36-17[1].jpg (21412 bytes)](../images/s36-17[1].jpg)
Spray 36 "Hopeful" |
Spray 33 in
Kemer/Turkey mentioned to you by Suat Zeybek
S/Y Blue-Belle, British, Bermudan
Cutter, Homeport London, build 4mm steel, owned and sailed by Derek and
Hulya Leigh.
Dear Bruce,
We arrived at Park Kemer Marina/Turkey
in July 2004 after our return trip across the
Atlantic from Florida/USA. My
wife is Turkish, and, being one of the few Turkish girls to sail the
Atlantic twice, is attracting a lot of media attention here, needless to say
so is the boat. Our Spray was featured on national TV in august and created
enough interest to warrant a repeat showing. Since then we have been
featured in four Yachting Magazines- the Antalya Regional Magazine- and a
video of Blue-Belle crossing the Atlantic was shown at the Antalya Boat Show
to a very enthusiastic audience. The Turkish Chamber of Shipping have also
conducted an interview to be featured in their commercial publiCATAMARANion
'Turkish Shipping World'. We have a constant stream of visitors and Suat
Zeybek of the Dive Centre is one of our regulars. He is keen to build a
Spray 36 and I believe he has already purchased the boat plans.
Anyway, so much for the present, let me
give you a brief history of Blue-Belle to date. In 1987 I was looking for a
long distance load carrier, big enough to cross an ocean comfortably, but
small enough to be easily maintained. I purchased the boat plans of your Spray 33
and began building on the south coast of
Due to working abroad, I
didn't launch her until 1992. She is built in 4 mm steel and is hot metal sprayed
with aluminum both inside and out. She is as per your version B boat plans a part
from lengthening her to 34 feet on deck, in order to incorporate a double
self stowing anchor roller assembly. Upon completion she was then stored
ashore for a further four years while I was away earning the cruising fund.
Her maiden voyage was in the autumn of
London to Antalya/Turkey aprx.
3500 miles single handed. I hadn't fitted any self steering as yet, so this
first long passage was a good test of the Spray's legendary self steering
qualities. If you take care to balance the sails she will steer herself for
amazingly long periods of time.
Antalya my Wife and I were
married and we moved on board to begin our full time cruising life style.
Now I really did begin to appreciate the Spray's load carrying capability, I
have never seen so much stuff poured into just one boat.
We spent two full
seasons cruising the Med and in September 2000 departed Portugal for the
Cape Verde Islands via the Canary Islands. December the 1st found us leaving
Mindelo/Cabo Verde and bound for Barbados. We still didn't have any self
steering fitted, but then again neither did Slocum. No problem. Blue-Belle
took 16 days to make the 2037 mile crossing, that's an average of 127 miles
per day. Her best days run being 147 miles. For a heavily laden cruising
boat with a 28 ft water line she could certainly turn in a decent passage
time. We were delighted with her. We also found that running downwind she
didn't roll as much as other boats I'd sailed under similar conditions.
Maybe the chines have
something to do with this. We spent the next 2,5 years cruising the
Caribbean, Bahamas and the US Intracoastal Waterways. The Spray's shoal
draft was paying dividends. June 2003 and we were on our way back across the
Atlantic. We did purchase wind wane steering gear in the states, but were so
busy being tourists, we didn't have time to fit it. I think that only the
crew of a Spray would contemplate carrying their self steering gear as deck
cargo prior to an Atlantic crossing.
Our North Atlantic Passage was the
usual mix of gales, calms, and occasionally some decent sailing. However we
ate well, slept well and apart from blowing out the genoa suffered no
damage. In
Spain my wife had to fly home
to cover a family emergency. So once again I single handed to Turkey,
finally arriving to the fabulous reception mentioned earlier. This winter we
intend to haul out and I will finally get round to fitting the Wind vane and
steering gear. For as my wife says "It will look so much nicer dear, hanging
on the transom".
In conclusion we find the Spray to be a
wonderful sea boat, and is a lot faster than she looks. When running in gale
force conditions we find that our heavy weather staysail, sheeted flat
amidships (a technique used by Slocum in his book) works well. The bow
showing no tendency to dig in despite all the weight we carry up forward.
One mistake we made in the early years was in reefing her down too early;
the boat is very stiff and sails well in heavy weather.
In storm conditions
when it is more prudent to stop and we either heave to or lie to a parachute
anchor streamed from the bow and attached to a bridle led back to a cockpit
winch. In this manner we feel safe and secure.
So, would we part with our Spray? Would
we change her for something else? No - not ever. After 8 years and 35.000
miles we finally have our ultimate cruiser.
Thanks Bruce, you gave us a great boat.
Kindest regards,
Derek & Hulya
S/Y Blue-Belle |
Dear Sir;
I like to inform you that my project Spray 36 fibreglass with pilothouse has
been completed. We sailed first time on 23 of July 2006.
For more information please find attached pdf format of our newsletter.
Thank you very much for your design and for your help during past five
years. We like our SeaGoat.
Once again thank you. With Regards
Adam & Barbara
S/V SeaGoat
Toronto Canada